Mr. Nandan Manna, M.A, B.ED

Department of Geography

Teacher's Council

Mr. Nandan Manna, M.A, B.ED

SACT, Department of Geography



Name of the Faculty:

 Mr. Nandan Manna





Highest Qualification:

M.A. ,B.Ed.

Areas of interest :

Agriculture and  Rural Development.

Contact Information

(E-mail & Mobile No.)



Mobile No.- 8348487745

Academic Qualifications:

B.A. (H) in Geography (Vidyasagar University), 2006

M. A. in Geography (Pt. Ravishankar Shukla  University ), 2008

B.Ed. (Calcutta University), 2009


/ Other Experience:

7 Years



/ Administrative Experience






 Journals (Articles/Papers):- NIL


Seminar/ Webinar/ Conference

  1. Participated UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Nature +Development: Green Growth in terms of Sustainable Development”-A Myth or Reality ? Organized by the Department of Geography Bajkul  Milani  Mahavidyalaya. in collaboration with Yogada  Satsanga  Palpara Mahavidyalaya. On 18th January,2016
  1. Participated one-day International Webinar on “Chasing Cyclones and Hunting Hurricanes” organized by Departments of Botany and Geography in collaboration with IQAC SETH ANANDRAM JAIPURIA COLLEGE on 04.09.2020. Reference Number: SAJCNT-02-CE0020
  2.  Participated Two Days Online International Conference On “Geography as a Discipline: Opportunities and Challenges" Organized by the Department of Geography in collaboration with Internal Quality Assurance cell, Dewan Abdul Gani College on 25th& 26th August 2020. Reference Number: DAGC/GEOGRAPHY-IQAC/0106
  3. Participated one-day International Webinar on “Contemporary Issues in Biodiversity and Its Related Technologies” Jointly " Organized by the Department of Geography and Zoology, Chakdaha College on 30th August,2020.Certificate no. CC-ZOOGE030-790
  4. Participated two days international webinar on “Geological Outreach and Career Development” conducted on 13th and 14th August, 2020 organized by Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India. Certificate ID GOCD035
  5. Participated one-day International Webinar on “Contemporary Issues of Environment, Economy and Geopolitics  on 9th August,2020 Organized by the Department of Geography Bhairab Ganguly College.
  6. participating One day International Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020: An Introspection”, organized by Gangadharpur Sikshan Mandir,Howrah,West Bengal, India on 25th September, 2020.
  7. participating one-day in international webinar on“Recent Trends in Climatic Studies: Issues & Challenges”.Date28,Aug,2020 Organized by Centre for Climate Change & Water Research,SURESH GYAN VIHAR UNIVERSITY.Certificate id IX4LOO-CE000413
  8. participating One day International Webinar on “EMERGING DISASTER ISSUES CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES” Organized by the Department of Geography in collaboration with IQAC, Katwa College on 27 August,2020
  9. participating Two-day International Webinar on INNOVATION IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION: AIMING TOWARDS A RESILIENT SOCIETY Organized by Department of Geography, Diamond Harbour Women’s University In association with Commission on Hazard and Risk, International Geographical Union (IGU) during 10-11 September 2020
  10. participating “GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” Organized by Department of  Studies in Geography University of Mysore and IGU Held on 5th -6th February,2021. Certificate id. UOM-IGU-GEO-085
  11. International Webinar On “Progress and Dimensions in Geographical Research” Organized by The Department of Geography Aliah University, held on 3rd November 2020,
  12. National Webinar On “National Education And National Education Policy 2020.” Organized by MIDNAPORE CITY COLLEGE.Held on 22nd September,2020.
  13. International Webinar on “Combating Coronavirus through the Ancient Medical Science of Ayurveda” organized by Department of Sanskrit in collaboration with IQAC and Research Cell of the college held on 18th October, 2020
  14. One Day National Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020 – Impact on Higher Education” Organized by IQAC KATWA COLLEGE, And Collaboration with CESS OF BENGALURU. Held on 22nd September,2020.



Workshop/ Faculty Development Program

  1. A One Day Workshop on “Research Fields, Recent Trends, Job Potentiality in Geography. Organized by Department of Geography, Mahishadal Girls College, held on 5th May 2018.
  2. Intensive Training Programme for “THE YOUNG GEOMORPHOLOGISTS OF INDIA” during 2-5 March 2020  Organized by Department of Geography, Calcutta University.


  1. National Level One Week Faculty Development Program on “Open Source Tools For Research” Organized by Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering,  Priyadarshini Institute of Science & Technology for Women – Khammam, during 10th - 15th ,August-2020.
  2. One Week Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Surveying and Geo-Informatics” organized by Department of Civil Engineering in association with IQAC-MSRIT sponsored by AICTE from 24th to 29h August, 2020 at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  3. “3 Day FDP Cum Training Program on “Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction” jointly organized by National Institute of Disaster Management Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India and OP Jindal University, Raigarh from 18-20 August,2020.
  4. 3 Day FDP Cum Training Program on “Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction” jointly organized by National Institute of Disaster Management Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India and OP Jindal University, Raigarh from 27-29 January,2021.  

Membership of Learned Societies/Academic Memberships: